Awareness Days
Check Awareness Days for national and international days, weeks or months focussing on specific issues or themes.
The UN lists international days and international weeks.
Caring for Creation
Creation Time, or Creationtide, has been adopted ecumenically between September 1 and October 4. For resources, visit Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.
As part of Eco Church, Christian conservation charity A Rocha have a wide variety of resources, focussing on five key areas of church life: Worship and Teaching, Building Management, Land Management, Community and Global Engagement, and Lifestyle.
360Carbon Calculator from Climate Stewards is an excellent tool for calculating your church’s carbon footprint. Individuals can calculate their personal carbon footprint with an easy to use footprint calculator from WWF.
Caring for God’s Acre helps communities to look after churchyards and burial grounds.
Green Journey helps churches to reduce overall costs while improving green credentials and reducing environmental impact
Show the Love is a campaign by the Climate Coalition encouraging people to make and share green hearts on in February of each year.
Making Ecobricks is an easy and inventive way of re-using non-recyclable plastics for a positive purpose.
Bright Now is a campaign calling for churches to divest from fossil fuels.
Hope for the Future is a climate charity working to equip people to communicate the urgency of climate change with their local politicians.
TerraCycle offers free recycling solutions for plastic packaging.
Visit Transition Network for more information about the transition movement.
Ideas for Christmas activities for all ages.
Daily Devotions
Daily Devotions from the URC offers a Bible reading, reflection and prayer for every day of the year. The devotions are written by a large team of volunteers and are available online, by podcast or as a printable booklet.
Leadership Programme
The URC Church Leadership Programme helps ministers and other church leaders to develop resilient leadership skills whilst deepening self knowledge.
Legacies of Slavery
The URC is determined to explore the Legacies of Slavery with bible studies, films, books, papers, prayers and theology covering the topics including the history of slavery and colonisation, white privilege, restorative justice, and how we can begin to build more conscious, just and anti-racist communities.
Living Lent is hosted by the Joint Public Issues Team and invites people to become part of a community responding to the call to climate action by making significant personal commitments in changing individual lifestyles.
More Able Church
Peace and Social Justice
Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus.
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is traditionally observed in January every year – for more information, visit Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.
The World Day of Prayer has a special annual theme that is developed by women of a different country each year.
Roots offers two sets of weekly resources that are available in magazine format and online. The Adult & All Age resources enrich adult, family and all-age worship and learning. The Children & Young People resources provide inspiring ideas for use with toddlers to teens. To see samples of the resources, contact Judy Harris.
URC Worship Resources
Visit the URC website for worship resources from Church House.
Walking the Way
Walking the Way explores what it means to follow actively, learn from – and be transformed by – Jesus. It’s for anyone at any stage of the Christian journey.