With Beulah URC during the Great Big Green Week

The Great Big Green Week is an annual celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. This year’s theme was ‘let’s swap together for good’. Beulah URC’s Eco Group collaborated with community artist, Jo Jones, to create a gallery of eight images entitled ‘THINK OF THE ALTERNATIVE’. The pictures were displayed on the outside walls of Canolfan Beulah, our church community centre.

The panels were made from recycled plywood and framed with recycled feather-edged board while the images were created using leaves, bark and flowers collected locally. We wanted each one to be interesting to look at from a distance and up close.

Each panel had two contrasting images – the brighter one on the left represented a swap we could make or a step we could take to reduce our carbon footprints, prevent pollution and connect with nature. We had explanations and suggestions for action plus a QR code on our poster for further ideas and information. As we continue as a church on our Eco Church journey, we wanted to highlight and share with the community the positive small steps we can all take to create a greener, cleaner, fairer future.

We are keen to use our gallery as an ongoing resource and are hoping to produce a booklet. If you would like digital copies of all eight images, please do get in touch. It would be great to hear from you.

Eileen Newington: