Throughout Advent and Christmas we will be posting prayers from around the Synod, Ministers and Support Team, reflecting on the season and world events.

Happy New Year!
As a child growing up in Tycroes, Ammanford, it was customary to go from house to house singing a traditional new year greeting.
This is the version that I remember:
Blwyddyn newydd dda i chi
ac i bawb sydd yn y tŷ;
Dyna yw’n dymuniad i,
Blwyddyn newydd dda i chi.
As we prepare to step forward into 2024, that traditional song has inspired my prayer;
O God of new beginnings
Be with us as we step into a new year.
We pray for all who share our journey,
Family, friends, neighbours and
especially our church family,
those who are part of the household of faith.
O God of new beginnings
Be with us as we step into a new year.
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!
Revd Martin Spain
Ecumenical and Interfaith Officer