Prayers 30 December 2023

Throughout Advent and Christmas we will be posting prayers from around the Synod, Ministers and Support Team, reflecting on the season and world events. 

A prayer for between Christmas and New Year.

What time is it?

Is this the time after Christmas?
For eating left-overs
with piles of presents,
yet to be found a place in everyday life?

Is this the time before New Year’s Eve?
Thinking about company or loneliness.
Turning to the future.

Is it an in-between time?
For relaxing and not keeping track of time,
and relishing a break,
or going to work feels different
because lots of people are off?

Eternal God,
at Christmas we celebrate that you come in time,
born in Bethlehem during the Roman occupation,
yet you are also outside time,
before the Beginning and beyond the End;
we pray that you will help us
to make the most of this time,
becoming aware of your love
in every unfolding moment,
seeing the signs of the times
and drawing on your love
to work with hope
for justice and peace.


Revd Simon Walkling
Christ Well, Swansea