Eileen Newington, our synod Green Advocate and member of Beulah URC, and Alison McQueen, from City URC, joined over a thousand Christians in London on Friday 21 April to stand in solidarity with communities around the world hardest hit by the climate crisis.
Organised by Christian Climate Action (CCA), Tearfund, Christian Aid, CAFOD and others, a service at St John’s, Waterloo, was followed by a peaceful march towards Parliament, via Shell’s headquarters, to join the beginning of ‘The Big One’ protest.
The protest, organised by Extinction Rebellion (XR), had the aim of gathering 100,000 people across four days, from April 21 to 24, outside the Houses of Parliament to demand action on the climate emergency.
Roo Stewart, URC Programme Officer for Church & Society, joined Eileen and Alison on the day. Click here to read his reflections.