No Faith in Fossil Fuels Lent Vigil

Pray for an hour, pray for a day! Join the vigil to declare, No Faith in Fossil Fuels.

Starting on Ash Wednesday, people from across the UK will be holding a ten-day, around-the-clock vigil for environmental and climate justice outside Parliament in Westminster.  They will be gathering in vigil to pray for creation, for our global neighbours and for bold climate action from the UK government:

You can register here for a vigil slot at Westminster.

Or your church can choose to vigil from home. Christian Aid has resources for churches to hold an hour of prayer, reflection and stillness for climate justice.

You could also take a look at Christian Aid’s resources to see how you can increase the impact of your action by engaging with your MP – explain why you are taking part in the vigil, why action for climate justice matters and what we need the UK parliament to do.