On Tuesday 20th February, Revd Martha McInnes, Julia Edwards and Alison McQueen from the Cardiff and Penarth Pastorate joined with Christian Aid Wales officers for a trip to London by train to join the Lent Climate Vigil outside Parliament. From 14th -24th February, people have been gathering outside Westminster to pray for creation, for our global neighbours and for bold climate action from the UK Government.
The Vigil was a silent vigil. We stood together praying and holding placards. We joined other Christians who were there already – some had been there for many hours, even overnight. Volunteers have filled the rota slots to ensure continuous, round-the-clock prayerful presence during the ten days.
We were amazed at the huge number of people who constantly walk that way, as well as the many buses, taxis and cars that stream around Parliament Square. Most noticed us and some responded – we had a few comments and some conversations with members of the public.
It was a good experience standing there in the lovely weak winter sunshine, under the beautiful restored Big Ben tower. As we stood and prayed, silently or quietly in pairs, for more than an hour together, we became so aware of the presence of God in the midst of our busy world. The Father of all creation is our God, the God of yesterday and today and tomorrow and in Him we have hope. We believe that taking part in the Vigil was a way to witness to God’s presence in the world.
Jess Hall, Christian Aid’s Campaigns and Organising Officer, says “Prayer is powerful. It can bring transformation, even in the midst of injustice. Lent offers us a season both to lament the failure to address the climate crisis and the hope of change as we approach the resurrection transformation of Easter.”
Alison McQueen, City URC