Reimagining the Big Day Out

We’re changing the Big Day Out to make it more accessible for more people.

The event at the Royal Welsh Showground on Saturday 25 June is cancelled, and a variety of online or regional gatherings will be available instead.

The following activities are confirmed and further events will be announced. For more details, please contact the Synod Office on 029 2019 5728 or

Saturday 25 June

Please join us on Zoom or in person at Uniting Church, Sketty, for worship, Bible study and discussion with Westminster College. Click here for a detailed programme and information for attending in person or joining on Zoom.

10am to 10.30am Worship led by Simon Walkling
10.30am to 10.45 am Coffee break
10.45am to 11.40am

What is Jubilee in the Bible? God’s Vision (Alison Gray)

11.45am to 12.30pm What was God saying through Covid? (Robert Pope)
12.30pm to 1.15pm Lunch break
1.15pm to 2.10pm

Changing Landscapes: (Re)creating pastoral links post-Covid (Peter Ball)

2.10pm to 2.55pm

Jesus and Jubilee (Alison Gray)

3.00pm to 3.15pm

Closing reflection and prayer (Simon Walkling)

7.00pm to 8.00pm

Reflections on the Reimagining – drop-in discussion session, online only

8.00pm to 8.20pm

Prayer – online only


Being Church in the New Landscape

Westminster College are running in-person workshops in Cardiff on June 26, Rhyl on June 27 and Shotton on June 28 to explore church life and inspire us in Walking the Way. These workshops are different to those on Saturday 25 June. Each workshop is free and lasts for approximately 90 minutes. Find out more here.

Crafting Flowers

Can you craft colourful flowers in wool, yarn, felt or fabric? We’re inviting crafters to create homemade flowers to be shared with churches for use in garlands, bouquets and tablecloths. For more information, please email Helen Moohan.

Congregation Snapshot

Please send a picture of your congregation to Megan Price. It can be a photo of the congregation at a service or during an activity, or a screenshot of an online event, or a collage to include people who are unable to meet in person. Please include something you give thanks for about your congregation and something where you would like prayerful support.